Frequently Asked Questions About Talisman Transformation Method Program Answered

In video 1, Answers to the questions:

  • How long does it take to see results?

  • What if it doesn’t work for me?

  • I’ve seen similar stuff in the past—what makes this different?

In video 2, Answers to the Questions:

  • What if I don’t have much time to spend on it right now?

  • Will it be a good fit for me?

  • I’m not very crafty – what if I can’t make something beautiful or I don’t like what I put together?

In video 3, Answers to these Questions:

  • Are the group elements mandatory? What if I can’t make it to a live Q&A session?

  • What makes the Talisman I create in this program different from, say, my favorite shirt or a rock I pick up on the beach and carry around?

  • Will I need to keep the talisman I make around me all the time?

  • Is there a payment plan? Pricing and how payment works, 21-day Money-Back Guarantee